Software survey
What is written about the hardware is true also for the software.
The impressive amount of material required to make a selection.
The versatile offer makes choosing difficult.
Roughly speaking, the categories below can be recognised.
  • Program languages and the courses
    • Basic and basic extensions
    • Forth
    • Pascal
    • Lisp
    • Assembler (macro-, symbolic-Assembler - Salfaa-)
  • Utilities (A huge number of,
    From sourcemakers up to tape and disc (visa versa)
  • Educational
    • Visualisations, mathematics.
    • Constellations
    • Atomware I,II,III. Disassembling-lists from the complete basic interpreter (#Cxxx),
      the floppy-controller (#Exxx)and the Operating system (#Fxxx).
  • Communications
    • RTTY (telex)
    • CW (morse)
    • Fax en Hell
  • Games ow.
    • Chess
    • Checkers
    • The common (arcade) Games
    • Flightsimulators (Schiphol and 747)
  • Bankswitching systems (to control the "schakelkaart")
    • AXR2 system from Delft
    • Branquart system
    • Het CX-System
  • Graphic-extensions (the GAGS-box)
To my mind, a few highlights need to be mentioned here.
In alphabetic order: the assemblercourse by L.Bijnagte, the P-Charme interpreter (basic-extension and utilities) by F.v.Hoesel, the symbolic assembler Salfaa, the Atom in PC software from R.Leurs and last but not least the Atom-Emulator for IBM-PCs by W.Ras.

Of course, only a summary can be highlighted. Some from it can be found on the download-page. On the link page are links to the sites from R.Leurs and W.Ras showing their products. In addition to the products from Acorn there are quite a number of publications and books and a row of issues from the Atom usersclub.