The Atom as a hobbymachine, considerations.
- Because of its accessibility, his excellent documentation in the enclosed technical manual and diagram, with the Basic- and Assembler manual, the ATOM is an unusual hobbymachine.
- Reading again the issues of AN, (Atom Nieuws, the magazine from the FAC, Federation Atom UsersClubs) I was impressed by the high average quality standard of the soft- and hardware produced by members of the FAC.
- The offer is so gigantic that a choice had to be made from the available material and data. I realise that my choice is arbitrary.
- A main consideration is to offer information to those who consider to restore an Atom.
- Nostalgia is accompanied with a modest historical consciousness for recent technology.
- From a historical point of view, much more from the available data and material should have been documented and preserved. Unfortunately, a lot of material is already destroyed. I wonder if there is something left by someone on the attic. All offers are welcome. If so, please send me an e-mail.
- The unique nature of the ATOM is reason enough for restoring hard- en software. Therefore, information is indispensable for Atom owners who got interested in old 8-bit computers.