Atari 800XL Software

As the Atari was a far more popular machine than the Atom, many people have already done a lot of software for it, so I have far less to do myself. Hooray!

Atari BASIC Interpreter

This is not the best BASIC I have seen, but adequate. Geeks will miss the fact it has no hex notation, or built-in assembler (as the Acorn machines had).

Atari DOS

This different from most disk systems in that it communicated through a serial interface. In some ways akin to USB, only a lot slower. It required quite a lot of hardware in the 1050 disk drive.

Fortunately this can be replaced by the APE system running on a PC, and people have even implemented IDE interfaces for hard disk drives.

Atari Games

These are outstanding, and far better than games running on its peers. One honourable exception being Elite on the BBC, but if that had been ported to the Atari it would have been better than on the BBC! There is a demo version though.

Cross-development Software Tools

The main tool will be the CC65 compiler. This has already been ported to the Atari 8-bit machines.


This has already been implemented.

Operating System

Adam Dunkel has also developed theContiki graphical operating system. It uses his uIP software as the foundation.