Eprom Programmer

Programmer with ZIF socket

Making changes in the F-ROM or being able to use the 'schakelkaart' for bankswitching it is inevitable to 'burn' eproms. In an 1982 issue from Practical Computing was a simple diagram for such a programmer. In short time a printed circuit board was available in the Netherlands for that design. This tiny board was one of the first made extensionboards for the Atom. Soon followed by the 16k memory extension card and the so called 'schakelkaart' .

The diagram below is simple but programmed EPROMs well. By means of an extra socket in between even for the 2732 version.


    Printed circuit layout

Some articles in Atom Nieuws about the programmer are mentioned below.
Atom eprom programmer 1982 nr.7: 53
Eprom programmer 1982, summary: 80
Eprom programmer 1983 nr.1: 60
Eprom programmer v.2716/2732 1986 nr.6: 81