Extensions with Eproms type 2732.
The addressing on the mainboard from the Atom is sufficient for the Eprom 2532. Only the pin-configuration from the 2732 is different and needs to be changed to the way the socket-connections are on the Atom-board.
The Addressline A 11 on the board goes to pin 18 from all 24-pins ICs. On the 2732 it has to go to pin 21. The Chip-Select line on the board is pin 20 (CS) The 2732 has 2 select-lines, namely 18 = CE (Chip Enable) en 20 = OE (Output Enable). Both are ON if they are LOW and both are OFF if they are HIGH. So they can be connected to eachother.
Attention : From all 24-pin IC's on the mainboard are ALL overeenkomstige pins connected with another apart from one , the namely teh Chip-Select lijn. Theis line (20) comes from every IC apart from a decoder and is the onliest line, that determines either an IC is working (on LOW) or is turned off (on HIGH)
So it's possible, to mount IC's in IC-socket 24 or above the Floating Point, by means of "piggy packing", on the condition that we "bent out of the socket" pin 20.
On a 24-pin IC the Chip-Select should be connected to 20/16. The difference is, That by piggy packing the RAM on the board
we have the DECODER-(address) lines left for the CS. Not with the 24-pin IC's. To use more Eprom's in turn, we can switch the select-lines to different 24-pin IC's by means of a dipswitches for instance.
Remember 2 conditions:
1) if you use dip-schwiches; coonect never more than one 24-pin IC's at the same time with the Chip-Select-line,
2) the chip-select (on the Eprom 2732 pin 18 and 20) should always in a way be connected at +5 volt.
This can be done by providing all 24-pin IC's with so called PULL-UP resistors, a 5K6 resistor at pin 24 = +5Volt. The Chip-Select is, despite of that, pulling it LOW if needed.
A 2732 in socket IC24. pinumbers seen from above on chip or socket, starting at the notch leftturn.
Via 1, easier 2 ic-sockets on top of eached other, connecting:
pin 20 from the socket at pin 20 en 18 from the Eprom
pin 18 from the socket at pin pin 21 from the Eprom
pin 21 from the socket not connected, so isolate (bent out).
The address from IC24 is #A000-#AFFF = 4K. |